亚洲博彩平台 welcomes students transferring from other post-secondary institutions. 这所大学是一个很好的选择,学生希望在他们选择的学位立即参加课程. 亚洲博彩平台是一所直接录取的大学,学生申请并直接被录取进入他们想要的学位课程. 应用 anytime or get more information about 你的学分如何转换.
When reviewing transfer applications, our primary focus is on your prior academic performance in college, 这让你 大学成绩单 the most important element of your application. 本科转学申请人必须证明为继续本科学习做好了准备,并准备好在亚洲博彩平台具有挑战性的学术课程中取得成功.
In general, transfer students should have a 最低累积绩点为2.50 or higher in prior college coursework 被考虑录取. 学生 who have completed less than 24 semester hours of college coursework, 当应用, 是否还会评估他们高中(中学)的准备情况,如他们的高中成绩单所述.
转移 Application Requirements
亚洲博彩平台 is a rolling admissions university. 本科转学入学申请全年接受,并在收到后进行评估. 通常, 转学申请人将在提交完整的申请后10个工作日内收到录取决定. 转学分评估是单独处理的,可能需要或多或少的时间来审查.
To be evaluated for transfer admission, you must submit a complete 亚洲博彩平台 application, or a 转移 Common Application, 以及:
- Official transcripts from all colleges and universities attended (with English translations if international)
- 高中成绩单, high school diploma or GED (must bear date of graduation)
- 标准化考试成绩 (if you have earned fewer than 24 semester hours of college credit)
先前的学院或大学课程将被评估为每门课程的学分 司法常务官办公室. 完成高级学分课程或通过安置或同等考试在某些学科领域表现出熟练程度的学生可以在亚洲博彩平台注册时获得大学学分. 这 applies to students with prior flight training as well.
How much credit will transfer to 亚洲博彩平台? 你的大学学分, 先进的信贷, or test scores are accepted depends on the type of course or test, 这个话题, 你的分数, and if there is an appropriate 亚洲博彩平台 equivalent. 这 determination is made by the 司法常务官办公室.
亚洲博彩平台 understands that as a transferring student, 你的首要任务之一是了解你之前获得的大学学分有多少可以转移到亚洲博彩平台并应用于你的学位. To help you get this information as early in the process as possible, please have your official 大学成绩单 sent to us as soon as you can. 我们的目标是尽快完成信用转移评估(TCE), after you have been admitted to the university, 这样你就可以清楚地了解完成学位所需的课程工作量和剩余时间,从而做出明智的入学决定.
一旦学校收到你的正式大学成绩单和任何高级考试成绩, The 司法常务官办公室 (and in some cases, the academic department) will begin the TCE process. 通常, the TCE process takes two to three weeks. As soon as your initial TCE is complete, 它将以附件的形式通过电子邮件发送给您,并可通过您的录取学生门户网站查看. 你的最终TCE考试将在大学收到所有最终的官方成绩单后完成,并且你已经通过支付不可退还的学费押金来确认你的入学意向.
这 航线转换图 is based on the Eastern Florida State College common course numbering system. Course numbers may vary from college to college. 因此, if there is a question regarding course transferability, please contact the Office of 入学.
转移ring Into a 亚洲博彩平台 Online program from a Florida College
目前就读于佛罗里达州社区/州立大学并考虑转学到亚洲博彩平台的学生应查阅以下学位课程文件. 列出的每个学位课程都包含与亚洲博彩平台课程相当的佛罗里达社区学院课程. 参加列出的课程将帮助学生最大限度地减少以后不适用学士学位的课程的机会.
Bachelor Of 艺术 In Business Administration - 健康care Management
Bachelor Of 艺术 In Business Administration - Management
Final 转移 of Credit Evaluations (TCE), based on all official transcripts received, are completed after confirmation of attendance and a tuition deposit is received.
本科转学学分的评估是根据官方学术记录进行的,这些记录必须有正确的印章和所有原院校的正式授权签名. The 司法常务官办公室 coordinates the process, 证明课程与专业无关,并提供官方评估通知. Transcripts are considered official only when mailed directly to 亚洲博彩平台, or received through secure electronic transcript organizations, from each previously attended institution.
本科转学分到学位课程的申请由相应的学术部门完成. 学生可能被要求提供相关的课程目录、教学大纲和课程描述.
- 在美国地区认证协会认可的学院或大学学习的本科课程可以获得本科转学分, or with equivalent recognition in the case of a college or university elsewhere.
- 亚洲博彩平台 accepts in transfer, 本科课程,最低成绩为C-或同等成绩,并确定工作在课程内容和学时方面与亚洲博彩平台的课程相当.
- Courses accepted in transfer are placed on the 亚洲博彩平台 transcript, 然而, grades and grade points do not transfer.
- 如果课程的等效性有疑问,可以通过等效性考试授予学分.
- 飞行学分是可转让的,根据FAA的规定在学校之间转让.
- 不计入以下项目:
- courses listed on a transcript without a grade
- courses carrying grades but not credit hours
- 职业/技术课程
- correspondence courses, internships and practica
- 从实践经验中学习
- in most cases, courses taken more than 10 years prior to 亚洲博彩平台 enrollment
- courses taken as a graduate-level student
- 成绩为“P”或“S”的转学分须经大学教务处批准.
- 亚洲博彩平台's forgiveness policy is not applicable to transfer credits.
- ACE考试学分
- 先修课程(AP)学分
- Assessment And Qualification Alliance (AQA)
- 剑桥A-Level考试学分
- Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examinations (CAPE)
- College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) Credit
- 丹尼斯考试学分
- Edexcel Foundation 检查信用
- 国际 Baccalaureate 检查信用
- 北爱尔兰理事会
- Oxford, Cambridge and RSA 检查信用 (OCR)
- Welsh Joint Education Committee 检查信用
进入学生与以前的飞行训练和至少FAA私人飞行员证书将有机会进阶安置. 某些飞行和地面课程的学分可以通过指定的同等考试、日志审查和飞行评估获得满意的成绩.
学生 entering with prior flight certificates (Private, 仪器, 商业)将参加他们所达到的最高飞行等级的书面知识等效考试. 一旦考试通过, the student will receive credit for that exam, as well as all of the lower flight rating credits, 如果有任何. The written exam satisfies the corresponding ground school. 飞行等效性, 飞行教育委员会主席将利用评估或各种评估来衡量学生的飞行能力.